Can we crack gravity and fly in sky?

01:18 0 Comments A+ a-

Friends when we hear the word gravity it suddenly remembers us
newton's apple but it has meaning more than that,
actualy it is not a force it is a thing that exist between two bodies
in the universe by which every body attracts every body that means
every thing in the world attracts all other things but in many cases
cancelles it self due to mutual attraction. But it actualy is larger
when the mass or weights of the body is larger since earth has the
mass which is quite large we are stiking to it. It is like elastic
material between us and earth as we apply more force on it and try to
jump it also apply force on us and attracts us so humans can't fly in
air. Same way earth also attracts the moon but moon is trying to go
away from earth so because of this two forces moon is neighor attachet
to the earth nor going away from earth instead it is revolving around
earth as our only one natural satelite. Same case with earth and sun.

But the big question about gravity all has is cant we crack gravity
and fly freely?
Yes,quite possible but it needs a opposite force to over come it hence
first way is to travel in the air with a speed more than escape
velocity thats is more than 11.2 kilometer per hour speed, all the man
made things work similary but it needs right angle for launch and
co-operation from weather and lot of calculation.

There is also one anothor way that is creating the the anti gravity
fields thats are same as gravity but in opposite direction, by very
large coils, metal plates and by very large current. Scientist belive
that alien space ship (if the exist) might have same principle as
imagination. But it not working for humans in earth.
There is also some rumours are there about that newton has made a anti
formula for gravity by which one can crack gravity and travell
anywhere but some says that it was destoyed by his dog by accidental
fall of lamp. But if its true we might hope that someone in future
finds it and we can crack gravity and fly as our wish.